The RCoS points threshold has finally returned to 21 points.
Date 08/08/2018 Category Education / Business
Does ILR have to be stamped into a current passport for a Right to Work check to be valid?
We take a look at this issue.
Date 08/08/2018 Category Business / Personal
Beating the Tier 2 cap with a Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) application
We take a look at the benefits of this increasingly popular route.
Date 01/08/2018 Category Business
41 points were required for a Tier 2 Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship.
The Home Office has changed its position.
Date 22/07/2018 Category Education / Business
New Sponsor Guidance for businesses and educators (Tiers 2, 4 and 5)
Sponsors are advised to carefully review the new Guidance.
Date 17/07/2018 Category Business
Applying for a sponsor licence as a digital technology company
We look at the benefits for qualifying digital technology companies.
Date 16/06/2018 Category Education / Business / Personal
A number of new and positive Immigration Rules changes have been announced
Good news for doctors, nurses, those in the fashion industry and many students.
The new route is due to be launched in Spring 2019.
Date 13/06/2018 Category Business
Shortage of Tier 2 Restricted Certificates of Sponsorship continues
Many sponsors are still struggling to recruit.