Date 24/03/2017 Category Business
We look at the latest changes for Tier 2 sponsors.
We look at the latest changes for Tier 2 sponsors.
Date 22/02/2017 Category Education / Business
Increasing numbers of Tier 2 sponsors receive a UKVI compliance visit
Make sure you’re prepared.
Date 10/02/2017 Category Education / Business / Personal / The UK's Immigration System
Online EEA application service expanded
Family members can now use service.
We look at UKVI's latest approach to sponsor compliance.
2016 has certainly been a year of significant change.
We look at how many have been issued and how many are left.
We take a look back at a busy month which has seen a number of new developments.
Date 29/11/2016 Category Education / Business / Personal
The Joint Citizenship and Passport Application Process
The new JCAP service is designed to speed up the process.
Date 29/11/2016 Category Education / Business / Personal
Further expansion of the Registered Traveller Service
The UK Government has added 16 new countries to the scheme.
Date 08/11/2016 Category Education / Business / Personal
MADE Festival 2016 – come along to our immigration workshop
We'll be looking at the options for attracting top talent to the UK.