We review the ILR requirements under this route.
Some more information has been provided to assist employers.
Date 25/03/2021 Category Education / Business / Personal
The documents sponsor licence holders must retain – Appendix D is updated
Sponsors must always comply with the sponsor guidance.
Date 24/03/2021 Category Business / Personal
MAC issues call for evidence on Intra-Company Transfer route
The deadline for submitting responses is 15 June 2021.
We explore the risks of travelling during the processing period.
We take a look at the new process.
Changes to a number of routes have been announced.
Some of the earnings must be related to the field of expertise.
Date 04/12/2020 Category Personal
In this article we take a look at the main requirements to apply for an extension of a spouse or partner visa and the process involved.
We review how EEA nationals can keep working in the UK.