Date 07/03/2014 Category Education
Minister’s first speech puts him on a collision course with HTS sponsors
James Brokenshire is considering a 10% HTS visa refusal rate.
Date 07/03/2014 Category Education
Minister’s first speech puts him on a collision course with HTS sponsors
James Brokenshire is considering a 10% HTS visa refusal rate.
Some fairly significant changes have been recommended.
Date 24/02/2014 Category Education / Business / Personal
The Independent interviews us about the Tier 1 (Investor) route
Nichola Carter speaks about the new proposals.
UKVI has confirmed that they can still be used in applications.
Date 24/01/2014 Category Education / Business / Personal
Carter Thomas solicitor appointed to LexisNexis Consulting Editorial Board
We will provide expert input and guidance on immigration law issues.
Date 15/01/2014 Category Education / Business
UKVI outlines the main reasons for Tier 2 sponsor licence revocations
At its recent Operational Forum, UKVI cited the key problem areas.
Date 06/01/2014 Category Education / Business / Personal
Visa requirements relaxed for Middle Eastern visitors
Good news for UK education providers and businesses.
The Home Office has been told that the decision is for the education provider.
This latest version contains a number of corrections.
The changes will significantly impact many families.