Applicants who have won a prestigious prize in the world of arts, science and engineering amongst other categories, can benefit from a fast track Global Talent process.
The Global Talent visa route is for those who are highly skilled in the fields of humanities and science, digital technology, architecture, fashion, film and television and other arts. Successful applicants can be granted permission to live in the UK for up to five years.
Applicants considering making an application under the Global Talent route will usually be required to have an endorsement from one of the following approved endorsing bodies, depending on their area of expertise:
- Arts Council England
- British Academy
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Royal Society
- Tech Nation
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
The endorsement application often takes time to prepare and requires a number of specified documents. Once an endorsement has been granted, applicants can proceed to stage 2 which requires them to make a visa application under the Global Talent route.
However, following a change to the Immigration Rules earlier this year and the Government’s commitment to attract “the best and the brightest”, those who hold a Prestigious Prize and are therefore at the pinnacle of their career do not need to apply for an endorsement. Instead, they can fast track the process and make a single stage 2 application.
The applicant must be a named recipient of one of the prestigious prizes and the prize must not have been withdrawn or suspended. These are the only conditions that an applicant is required to meet. An applicant could therefore have held their prize for a number of years and this does not preclude them for making a Global Talent application in the future, as long as their prize has not been withdrawn or suspended.
Prizes and awards such as a Golden Globe for best actor or actress (or best supporting actor or actress) in a motion picture, a BAFTA for a film Director, a Tony Award for the best play author, a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Physics, Literature, Medicine or Economic Science or a Wolf Prize in Mathematics, amongst others are considered prestigious. The list of prestigious prizes will be kept under review.
The Global Talent route is generally a very attractive route for those who qualify, and as the holder of a Prestigious Prize, it is much easier to make a successful application. Those who have been awarded such a prize can also make an expediated Indefinite Leave to Remain application, as they are able to rely on three years of residence in the UK, rather than the usual five years of residence. Applicants must still meet the further criteria in this application, including the absence requirement.
Global Talent visa: How our immigration solicitors can help
We are experienced in Global Talent applications and can provide expert guidance and assistance to you throughout the process. For further advice, please contact us, or complete our enquiry form below.